
Navigating the intricacies of customs procedures can be a daunting task for businesses engaged in international trade.

From complex documentation requirements to varying regulations across different countries, the process of clearing goods through customs can often result in delays and added costs.

Recognising these challenges, Interfreight offers a suite of comprehensive customs services designed to simplify and expedite the customs clearance process for businesses of all sizes.


Our experienced team assists clients in supporting submissions of all necessary documentation, including import/export declarations, certificates of origin, and permits, ensuring compliance with the latest regulations.

Our experienced team assists clients in supporting submissions of all necessary documentation, including import/export declarations, certificates of origin, and permits, ensuring compliance with the latest regulations.

In addition to documentation preparation, Interfreight also specialises in customs clearance services. Utilising our extensive network and industry connections, we work closely with customs authorities to facilitate the smooth and efficient clearance of goods.

Our proactive approach ensures that potential issues are identified and addressed promptly, helping to minimise clearance times and prevent disruptions to supply chains.

Interfreight is set apart by our commitment to providing personalised services by our team of experts that stays abreast of the latest developments in customs regulations and trade policies, providing clients with valuable insights and guidance to navigate the ever-changing landscape of international trade.

Whether it’s addressing specific compliance issues or offering strategic advice to optimise customs processes, Interfreight is dedicated to helping clients achieve their business objectives.

Interfreight’s comprehensive customs services offer businesses a strategic advantage in today’s global marketplace. By outsourcing customs-related tasks to our experienced team, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and focus on core activities. Whether you’re a small importer or a multinational corporation, Interfreight is your trusted partner for efficient and hassle-free customs clearance.